
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Raingutter Regatta

Well, the boat was much easier to make the car for the Pinewood Derby, but the race itself was more work for Dylan. How do these boats race? With hot air blown through a straw ... how else? Dylan was so excited to race in his first Raingutter Regatta and he did very well, winning the first three heats. However, at the final heat he did not fare so well and some tears were shed. All in all, Dylan had a great time and learned a valuable lesson in sportsmanship. As the Cub Scout motto says ... Do Your Best!

Getting ready for the first race and practicing his technique.

Go Dylan Go ... 

Careful not to touch the boat.

Good form and the sail is staying up!

And Dylan's boat SEA DOGS wins again!

The final race against a Webelo. Dylan did his best and that's all that matters.

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