
Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Break in Monterey

This year we decided to not only get away for Spring Break, but to take our first road trip together. It was better than I thought, considering the furthest Dylan has driven is San Diego (2 hours), and this was going to be a 6-7 hour drive. The Are we there yet? didn't start until Santa Barbara, and then it was How much longer? about every 40 minutes. I tried to get him to enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery, but it didn't last too long.
At last, he sleeps and the drive is peaceful.
It's just not a road trip without a stop at McDonald's!
Dylan's picture from the road. (only 1 hour to go)
We arrived in Monterey about 4 pm and I immediately felt relaxed. Something about hotels and being away from home, not to mention the fresh coastal air, was just what we both needed. Our agenda included The Monterey Bay Aquarium, Fisherman's Wharf, Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, and anything else we saw along the way to our destinations.

The aquarium was amazing and we spent almost all day there. Took over 150 pictures! Definitely worth the drive to see this place.

Dylan even got a little education on Steinbeck with some historical landmarks...

And in true Dylan style had a little impromptu photo shoot ...

A little stroll through the Cannery for some lunch.

Lunch at Bubba Gumps

A Kid in a Candy Store ... Classic!
Day 2 - The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History (like he needs any more animal/nature facts to add to his ever-growing encyclopedia of a brain)

Who cares if it's only 60 degrees outside ... we're going in the water! Well, Dylan went in the water. For about 2 minutes and then he decided his feet were freezing so we put our shoes back on and went for walk along the rocks to see marinelife up close. We spent almost 2 hours here along the shore in Pacific Grove.

Just a few of the seals we saw

Come on Mom, let's go!

The kelp beds from above

This sign was great ... Tsunami in California?
 After a long day of sight-seeing, we decided to have an early dinner at Fisherman's Wharf. Dylan love the fact that seals were right outside the window of the restaurant. he thoroughly enjoyed his calamari and pasta!

 We had an amazing time together and will always treasure the bond that we share.

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