Monday, September 19, 2011

Manic Monday - Laundry Day

Well, I guess I should be happy that I got the laundry done at all.
It's folded, that's a plus ... but my bed is covered, not so good.

picture taken at 11:34 p.m. on Sunday

Putting it away ... well, that will just have to wait for now. Looks like I will be sleeping in Dylan's room tonight.


  1. I am so glad you posted this, and I am not the only one! I set all the laundry on the bed, something happens and I get pulled away {you know break up a fight, or feed my kids}, fold and repeat, attempt to put the folded clothes away, and repeat. It's endless and seems as though it will never get done.

  2. Cari, this is exactly why I started the Manic Monday posts. To show that I am not perfect and that you are not alone. My friend Pam stopped reading blogs for a while because everything was too "perfect" ...

    Unfortunately, there was a little "accident" last night in my son's bed, so all those folded clothes got stacked back into the empty baskets at 3 a.m. and I will attempt to start the fold and repeat process again tonight.
