
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Say It! Saturday - Cooperation

It's that time again. Another reason to love Saturdays.

Recently I have been wanting to say this so badly to a variety of people in my life. It's something that we have all heard, we've all said it at one time or another, and we all hate it when someone says it to us.

I never really understood it until I worked for a company that prided themselves on teamwork. The quarterly sales bonuses were not based on how much was sold alone, but on the entire process of the team. Did the order ship out on time? Was the invoice mailed on time? Was a customer service follow up call made? All of the aspects of teamwork and cooperation play a role in the final sale. If one person on the team didn't do their part, then nobody made bonus.

So this Saturday, I would like to say ...

There is no "I" in TEAM.

It may be cliche and some people say it way to much, but it's the truth people.

Learn it.
Live it.
Say it. 

Join me and Roxanne - Say what you need to get off your chest with Say It! Saturday. Link up on her blog and see what others are saying this Saturday. 

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