
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Aquarium of the Pacific welcomes new babies

To some people springtime means flowers and butterflies, but to many in the animal world it means small bundles of joy. Adorable babies that make me squeal with delight and probably share way too many pictures on Facebook and twitter - but I can't help it - they are too cute!

In the last month, Aquarium of the Pacific announced the arrival of two new family members. I'm not sure who is cuter, the Sea Otter or the Harbor Seal.

This baby sea otter was found separated from her mother in Northern California and brought to Aquarium of the Pacific in early March. Once she is big enough and strong enough, she will be placed in the exhibit with the other rescued otters. She has been named Betty, after Betty White, in honor of the long time support White has shown for the aquarium and all animals.  

            Photo courtesy of Robin Riggs, Aquarium of the Pacific

Now I must admit that I am partial to this little harbor seal pup. She was born to Shelby, a long time resident of the Aquarium, on April 26, 2012. This picture captures a very loving moment between mother and child and I just adore it. Shelby is a first time mom, so Aquarium marine mammal experts are monitoring them both.

        Photo courtesy of Terri Haines, Aquarium of the Pacific

Both pups will remain behind the scenes for a few months to insure good health and allow time for bonding - but I'm sure the Aquarium staff will continue to post pictures on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram to keep us all updated on the progress.

Rescuing marine mammals and other ocean animals is something I feel strongly about, which is why I am a huge supporter of Aquarium of the Pacific. Besides being a wonderful place to spend the day, the Aquarium has great exhibits that educate people and believes in protecting and conserving our oceans for future generations. As a non-profit organization, the Aquarium relies solely on donations and annual memberships.

I'm looking forward to seeing these little pups when they make they debut and watching them grow. Are you a member of Aquarium of the Pacific?

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