
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Creating memories at the San Diego Zoo

Yes, as you know Dylan and I spend lots of time in San Diego. Starting to think we should just move down there - but that is another story. Over the Mother's Day weekend we had the opportunity to attend a VIP tweet-up during the Garden Festival at the San Diego Zoo - so I figured we could make a weekend out of it and have some fun. Together, we shared some amazing experiences and created memories that will last a lifetime. Of course I documented the 20+ hours spent at the zoo with over 500 pictures ... don't worry, I'm not going to post all of them. 

Day 1 started bright and early leaving home at 7 a.m. so we could get to the San Diego Zoo in time to see the macaw fly over and be one of the first people in the zoo. The Garden Fest tweet-up started promptly at 9:30 a.m. and Dylan didn't want to be late. We were treated to a behind the scenes look at some creepy crawlies in the Insect House. One of Dylan's favorite places to visit at the zoo - and one that took me some getting use to a few years ago. 

Dylan was always front and center asking Kelli and Paige a million questions. He was in his element. Thanks for being so patient with him ladies - and fellow tweeps :) 

Since it was the Garden Festival I took my time looking at all the beautiful flowers on display and at the various exhibits. Sometimes I get so caught up with the animals that I forget the San Diego Zoo is considered a world-class botanical garden

After making our usual route through the zoo, we decided to make one more stop at the tigers in hopes of seeing them. When we went by earlier, the tigers were way up at the top and we like seeing them up close. Boy were we in for a treat! 

Not only did we get to see the tigers, but we were front and center for play time in the water. After 20 minutes and taking close to 50 pictures, we peeled ourselves away from the glass so others could get a look.

Day 2 was Mother's Day and I was happy to be spending the day with my son at a place that makes us both so happy. There was no agenda today. It was all about spending time together and making some memories. 

We got to meet some amazing birds when Dylan was asked to be a volunteer on Joan Embery's Front Street Stage and the flamingos were especially active. However, out of all the birds we saw the peacock was my favorite.

It's not often that we get to see the snow leopards. These animals are shy by nature and they are usually hidden up in the rocks of the exhibit. Not today ...

 Snow leopards are just big kitty cats!

I did have one thing on the agenda, but it was a surprise for Dylan. Something that I suggest everyone do at least once - feed the giraffes. It only costs $5 for three biscuits and it is the coolest thing ever. 

When those long necks start to bend down and that big head is coming at you ... well, it's hard to explain. All I can say is it is unforgettable. 

There was one more stop to make before the zoo closed. One of my favorite places to sit and just watch the personalities come to life. Because after all, a trip to the San Diego Zoo is not complete without saying hello to Janey.

So as you can see, we had a wonderful time. Having a membership to the zoo is just as much a gift for us as it is to the animals we help to support. 

You can see more of our San Diego Zoo and Garden Festival memories on Flickr. 

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