
Monday, May 21, 2012

Seeing the world through a photographic lens

Now that I am not doing a million different things, I have found the time to enjoy a hobby of mine - photography. I have always liked taking pictures, what mom doesn't like taking pictures of her kid? Aside from birthdays, holidays, and documenting family outings, I didn't really think much about my subjects.

After a few tips from friends and spending some time learning what my new camera can actually do, I have discovered that I'm not all that bad of a photographer. As much as I love taking pictures of my son, my favorite things to photograph are really flowers, animals, and anything nature. I love capturing the details in a flower that so often go unnoticed and the personality of an animal that can speak volumes about a species.

Since taking the time to focus on my hobby, I see the world in a different way. I find myself pulling over on the side of the road or stopping mid-stride because I notice the way the light is hitting something. I look up more than before and see the depth of the trees - the beauty of the clouds.

I am going to read some books on photography that another friend recommended to learn more and then when I feel confident, I am going to buy a "real camera". I love the Cannon that I have and it takes decent pictures, but imagine what I could do with a Cannon Rebel.
I just can't justify the cost until I am a better photographer - but who knows, the camera might make me a better photographer!

What is your favorite subject to photograph?

Connect with me on Flickr - I would love to see your photographs.

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