
Monday, June 11, 2012

A little guide to life

I received a birthday card today that fit my life so well that it could have been written just for me. The words are so beautiful ... I hope they bring a smile to your face like they did to mine.

Be good to yourself.

There are some things everyone deserves -
Love, respect, time to recharge.
Never settle for less.

Seek out your dreams.

Start small. Take it as it comes.
Even a butterfly has to inch along before getting its wings.

Listen to your heart.

Trust your gut.
If the way seems unclear, look within you.

Let your voice be heard.

You have a story to tell and opinions that count.
And a difference to make.

Stay curious.

Take every opportunity to learn.
Knowledge is a gift. It will take you places.

Hold on to what's important.

Let worries go.
No matter how you look at it, some things just don't make sense.
The way you choose to carry on is what really matters.

And when you make that list of what you want in life,
make another list of what you've got.
Be sure to start with all the things that make you a beautiful person.
There are so many.

Most of all, remember you're loved.

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