
Monday, June 18, 2012

Sometimes God needs little angels too

Last week was a rough one for me and for many of the teachers and students at Ensign Intermediate School. Working at a school, you become very close to the students ... so close that these students seem to become children of your own. You see them every day and you watch them grow. You share in their triumphs and in their sorrows - and when the unthinkable happens, your cry with them.

Last week, one of our students, Madison "Maddy" May Boutelle, passed away. She was only 13 years old. Taken away from her friends and family too soon, but I know that God had a reason. Death is hard for adults, so you can only imagine what it must be like for a teenager. The hallways were quieter than usual and the tears came without warning. As a school counselor told me, sometimes it hits you like a tsunami and you have to just go with it.

I attended the services to celebrate the life of Maddy on Saturday, along with over 1,000 other people, most of which were her classmates. It was a beautiful service, but something I can't get out of my mind is the church filled with children. Children saying goodbye to their friend. A girl who accepted everyone for who they were and did not judge. A girl who had a smile that could light up a room. As beautiful as this sight was, and I will never forget it, I hope I never have to see it again.

Something I learned about Maddy was that she always said hello with a smile and hug and goodbye with I love you. I think this is wonderful way to live life.

I know that life cannot be lived in the what if, but the what if is all I could think about for the latter part of the week. What would I do if something ever happened to Dylan? No parent should ever have to say goodbye to their child. I don't know when God will need me or when he will need my son, but I do know that I cannot live life in the what ifs. I will say hello with a smile and a hug and I will say goodbye with I love you.

To all the parents out there - Love your children and cherish every moment you have with them. Hold them a minute longer, a little tighter - even when they start to pull away. Take nothing for granted and live life to the fullest. Take the time to get to know your children and be their friend as well as their parent. Take pictures, lots of pictures.

Because you never know when God is going to need a little angel to watch over us.

1 comment:

  1. How sad. The death of a child is heartbreaking, even to someone who never knew her. Just another moment to remind us that we should never take our life for granted.
