
Friday, July 13, 2012

A birthday letter to my son

Dear Dylan,

Nine years ago today I gave birth to the most wonderful child I could ever imagine. He was perfect in every possible way. That child was you. You have made me a better person and bring so much joy to my life. You continue to amaze me with your knowledge about animals and compassion for others. Sometimes I wonder if I'm talking to a child or an adult. Even though I often tell you to be quiet (because you talk non-stop), I love listening to you tell me about what you have learned.

You have already done some pretty great things, including raising over $1,000 for the tigers, and I can't wait to see what you do next. I just know that you are going to grow up and become something truly special. You have and you will continue to make a difference in the world.

As much as I would like to keep you small and miss the days when I could hold you in my arms, I know that you are growing up. I no longer have to lift you up to see over the railing or hold you on my shoulders. I don't have to tell you to hold my hand anymore, but I sure do like it when you reach for mine. You see Dylan, this tells me that in some small way you are still my little boy.

And when you act silly or climb on animals statues begging for me to take your picture ... well, this reminds me that you are still a kid too ... at least a kid at heart.

Happy Birthday Dylan!


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