
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How my phone is saving the trees

I can recycle with the best of them and I refuse to use plastic bags - however, when it comes to organization I love my paper. The feel of the paper. The colored pens. The post-it notes!
I thrive on making lists and crossing things off as I complete them. I searched and searched for an organizer that was made of recycled paper, but oddly enough most of them were covered in .... get this, Plastic!

I have been a loyal customer to MomAgenda for many years now and nothing could make me stray. Until now.

I had tried going electronic and it scared me. About three months ago I started using both my phone and my paper calender. I figured I could ease myself into it - wrong. All this did was create mass confusion and chaos in my life.

So I took the plunge. I have used nothing but my phone for the past two months and I couldn't be happier. Everything in one place and no paper waste.

See all those dots?
Those are my appointments and important reminders.

I'm happy, the trees are happy, all is good in my universe.

So tell me, do you use a paper organizer or your phone to keep track of your appointments?

1 comment:

  1. I use my phone mostly,but if my husband needs to know it I use cozi or the calender on fridge.
