
Thursday, August 9, 2012

In less than 5 minutes you can help save a rhino

Do you want to help save a rhino? What would you say if I told you that just by voting on some pictures, taking only a few minutes of your time, you could help save a rhino? 

The 2013 IRKA/IRF Rhino Photo Contest had 104 contestants this year - and I was one of them! The 12 photos with most votes will be featured in the 2013 Rhino Conservation Calendar. 

Beautiful pictures are what makes a calendar special and I would be honored to have my photograph included in this calendar. The more calendars sold means more awareness for the endangered rhinos and more money to help keep them alive. 

The funds raised from the sale of the calendar will go to the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Yayasan Badak Indonesia or YABI).

Because so many rhinos are being killed by poachers, we need sanctuaries like YABI to protect and breed the rhinos before more species become extinct. YABI is where Ratu, one of the three adult female rhinos at Indonesia’s Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary, gave birth to a 60-lb male calf, named Andatu. Not only was this Ratu’s first baby, but it was the first Sumatran rhino ever born in captivity in Indonesia and only the fifth ever born in captivity worldwide. For more information on the rhino conservation program at YABI, visit the International Rhino Foundation website.

I am not asking for anything but your time, so if you can spare 5 minutes to help save a rhino I would really appreciate it. Here are the details you need to know.
  1. Voting will be from Aug.6th-20th 
  2. ANYONE can vote, so please pass this along to your friends and family. 
  3. You can only vote once and the photos are "anonymous" to prevent any bias. 
  4. You may only choose a photo once and you must choose 9 photos in total for your vote to count.
  5. The 12 photos that receive the highest amount of votes will be featured in the 2013 Rhino Conservation Calendar and the photographer will receive credit.
  6. Photo winners will be announced September 1st! 
Please click the Survey Monkey link below and vote for your favorite 9 rhino photos! 

Oh, and I happen to really like photo #18 (wink ,wink)

If you would like to learn more about the endangered rhino and what is being done to save the rhinos around the world, check out IRKA, International Rhino Foundation, and World Rhino Day.

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