
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Simple SEO helped me create more awareness

People blog for various reasons and we all want to share what we write with others. I blog to share my passion about the environment, wildlife, and conservation. As I have said before, conservation begins with awareness. The more people who are aware, the more people who will make a difference. I don't get paid to blog, but that doesn't mean that I don't want hundreds of people to see my blog.

Social media - I love it.
Facebook - an old friend.
Twitter - it's fun.
SEO - a foreign language.

I will be honest with you, SEO scared the heck out of me for a long time. Why? Because I didn't understand it. Then my friend told me about a great e-book from Stef Calvert at Hearts and Laserbeams. An easy to download e-book that could help me increase the traffic on my blog.

Again, I'm not getting paid anything for my blog. Increasing traffic and page views on my blog serves one purpose - creating more awareness.

If I can make one person aware about an endangered animal or one person aware about the impacts of recycling on the environment, then I have done what I set out to do. That one person may share a post on Facebook or Twitter, which makes one more person aware.

Some of the things in Easy S.E.O. for Bloggers I was already doing and some I was only doing part of. As I read through it I thought, ah-ha I knew there was something I was missing. Sometimes it's as simple as using a hyphen instead of a comma. Other times it's utilizing an option of my settings that I just skipped over - simply because I didn't know what the option did.

Sure, adding SEO to a blog post takes me a little more time, but isn't it worth it? Since using the tools and tips from Easy S.E.O. for Bloggers, I have increased the pages views and overall traffic to my blog. What does this mean? It means that more people are reading my blog - more people are learning about conservation - more people are aware.

So whatever your cause may be, I am sure you want more people to be aware of what your cause is. If you are not already using SEO, or even if you are and want to learn some simple ways to make it better, I recommend buying this e-book from Hearts and Laserbeams. You won't be sorry.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for the rave review!! I'm so glad it's helped your stats!
