
Friday, October 12, 2012

Stop the presses! Rain fell in Southern California

After what seems like forever, Southern California finally had its first big rainfall of the season.

I can only think of one thing that gets us Southern Californians talking more than a storm and that is earthquakes.

You see, we don't have a very visible change of seasons. We pretty much have blue skies and sunshine year round.

I'm not complaining about the weather, but you can understand why we get so excited when the rain comes.

I was in awe of the clouds today and the past few days leading up to the rain. In fact, if you follow me on Instagram you might think that I am a tad bit obsessed with clouds.

Storm clouds are coming.

It rained - stormy sunrise

That's one big rain cloud!

We didn't get tons of rain - but enough to wet the roads, clean the car, and get people talking. Oh, and there was thunder and lightening too! I love the sound of the rain - it totally relaxes me. I'm looking forward to more rain and the bright green hills that the rain leaves behind.

Beautiful skies over the ocean. The worst was yet to come. 

Do you like the rain?

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