
Monday, January 28, 2013

Endangered Species Monday - Making a Difference with Social Media

When most people think of social media, the first things that come to mind are Facebook and Twitter. However, there is another platform that is quickly creating a stir within social media circles - Google Plus

I will be the first to admit that when Google Plus first came about I was skeptical. What was wrong with Facebook? All my friends were on Facebook so why switch to something new where I didn't know anyone ... makes sense right? Well, I created my profile and then really didn't do much.

Recently I have become very, how do I say this - bored? frustrated? over it? with Facebook.
Sure I like seeing pictures of my friends kids, but Facebook seems to have become one big advertisement or sponsored post.

I want to be informed. I want to interact with people that have the same interests as me. People from all over the world who have the same aspirations and concerns as I do about conservation. The answer - Google Plus communities. I can't say enough about how wonderful these communities are. The interaction between people is so much more than what I have experienced on Facebook and the people seem genuinely concerned about the topics.

My favorite community was started by +Rick Schwartz and it is all about conservation, endangered species, making a difference, and more. The community is called Conservation: It's about Making A Difference and I can tell you that it is doing just that.

Social media is so much more than a tweet of 140 characters or a status update on Facebook. Thanks to Google Plus I have found a new means of creating awareness and making a difference. I still love getting news through my twitter account and sharing stories there - I mean the power of a re-tweet is undeniable in making a difference for endangered animals.

I'm not ready to leave Facebook completely, but I am definitely spending less time there and more time on Google Plus.

If you're on Google Plus you can find my profile here. Circle me and let's connect.

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