
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunset Sunday - Bittersweet Goodbyes

My parents house has been on the market for about a year now and last week they accepted an offer. My childhood home will belong to someone else in a mere 60 days. The home where I grew up and where my son spent the first year of his life - the home where I planted a tree so many years ago - the home where I have watched so many beautiful sunsets.

The skies always look great from my parents kitchen window, but as soon as I see even the tiniest hint of orange or red or pink, I run up the stairs to the balcony. This is where I like to watch the sunsets best. Here on the balcony is where I can see Catalina - not so long ago, those two big trees weren't so big and the view was even better.

I took this picture last week with my iPhone. The colors were so much more intense in real life, but I still love this picture. The sky was painted with warmth and Catalina was clear as could be. The house is too big for my parents now that all the kids have gone, and I understand why they chose to sell, but views like this make me wish they could keep the house. I don't know if I will be at my parents house again for a sunset like this. It may have been my last from the balcony and that makes it a bittersweet goodbye for me.

Have a fantastic week and don't forget to take time to watch the sunsets.

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