
Friday, April 5, 2013

Saying goodbye to my childhood home was harder than I thought

Some of life's big events we are prepared for, while others take us by surprise. Not surprised like you didn't know it was going to happen, but surprised by how the event effected you. I have known that my parents were selling their house for over a year now. This was something that had been talked about over and over.

The house was on the market for almost a year with nothing. Then there was an offer - and the next words that took over the conversations were "in escrow". Everything seemed to be moving along, yet nothing had really changed. Sure, we had a few garage sales and my mom started cleaning out some closets, but the house still looked and felt the same.

The house where I grew up. Where my tree was planted. Where I was picked up for my first date. Where I spent so many holidays with family.

Anniversary parties, wedding receptions, bridal showers, baby showers, and my son's 1st birthday were all at this house.

This was the home where I lived when my son was born, the home he came home to from the hospital. The home where he learned to crawl and walk.

Grandma and Grandpa's house.

So many memories - 30 years worth - were suddenly being packed into boxes. One closet at a time. One room at a time. It was all disappearing before my eyes.

The last week of packing was like a whirlwind. So much to do and so little time. I don't think it really sank in until the final days when the moving trucks arrived.

On the final day we had one last family dinner together and reminisced about growing up in the house. So many of my favorite sunset pictures were taken from the balcony off my parents bedroom that I had to get a few more pictures.

Looking around at the empty rooms and the boxes was unreal to me. Was this really happening? I felt like I was walking in a dream. In fact, I have felt that way for about a week now. Slowly, day by day, it is sinking in that my childhood home is gone. I drive by it and nobody is there. It's just an empty house. I won't be walking through the front doors any more yelling "Hello, I'm here ... Mom, where are you?"

So here it is. My last sunset picture from the balcony of my childhood home.

I think it is ironic that the final sunset was filled with dark clouds signifying the end of something. Sadness and emptiness. So many memories in that house. So many memories.

A chapter in my life has closed and it is time to start a new chapter. New schedules, new routines, and new responsibilities. Who knows, maybe it was time for a change ... I just wasn't ready to say goodbye to the familiar life I had known for so many years.

1 comment:

  1. Just about to go thru the same thing and my heart is aching. Who knew it would be so hard?? I'm 'fixing' up the house for sale...parents passed five years ago and I rented it out. Not a good experience. I don't want to deal with fixing renters' damage again. Time to let it go. So sad, so very sad.

    Thank you for expressing your goodbye.

