
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Officially a Boy Scout

Tiger Cub, Bobcat, Wolf Cub, Bear Cub, Webelo ...

He did it all - Camping trips, belt loops earned, beads earned, silver arrows and gold arrows. 

Special badges for Conservation and Whittling. Earning the religious square knot as a Wolf Cub.

Laws and Oaths memorized. Secret handshakes and salutes.

And now the coveted Arrow of Light. 

Welcome to Boy Scouts Dylan. 

You worked hard and made us all proud. With Grandpa by your side, you crossed over from a Webelo to a Boy Scout. 

You are on your way to make Eagle Scout.

Some days I feel like it has been forever since you started your journey. 
Four and a half long years to be exact - but then I look at the pictures - the little spunky boy with attitude going to his first Tiger Cub meeting. The little boy who was so excited to start exploring the world as a scout. 


I look at the pictures and think, Where did the time go?

You still have spunk and attitude, there is no denying that - but now you also have confidence.

This is what will make you a great Boy Scout.

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