
Sunday, December 8, 2013

We're Sending Out Recycled Christmas Cards This Year!

I decided not to do a Christmas card this year. To be perfectly honest, the main reason is I just don't have the time.  I should have started planning months ago and I didn't. Why? Because I have been so busy over the past few months cleaning out closets and cupboards and purging like crazy every weekend, that Christmas cards just were not a priority!

While doing this I came across a ton of Christmas cards from the past. Some full boxes and some only a few of each design. Either way, they are perfectly good cards!

So I got an idea to recycle my cards this year. Rather than worry about creating the perfect card to send out, I decided to use the cards I already have.

One year I ordered a few too many, another year I bought one box too many, and one year I just bought a box because it was 80% off at an after Christmas sale.

Either way, these miscellaneous cards have just been sitting on a shelf. Serving no purpose except to take up room that I could use for something else. I now have an empty shelf and plenty of Christmas cards to send out.

I may add a Christmas letter (which I haven't done in years) to some of the cards, or a school picture of Dylan for family far away ... who knows, either way I feel good about recycling old things to make them new again.

No, I did not buy cards that were made from recycled paper ... Nor did I make cards from recycled items. I recycled things that I already had in my home. You see friends, there are many ways to recycle. You just have to give it a little thought.

What can you recycle this holiday season?

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