
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hopes and Wishes are so much better than Resolutions

It's that time again. Time to say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new one. Some people have a hard time with the transition and dwell on all the things that did not get accomplished. I used to be one of those people until I made a simple change. So simple in fact, that I was just changing the words. Two years ago I started making New Year Wishes instead of New Year Resolutions. Wishes remind me of a birthday cake and blowing out candles ... Resolutions just sound like work.  So far, the majority of my wishes have come true.

Jungle Bells - San Diego Zoo

The first year (2012) I was able to make 4 out of 5 wishes come true. I call that a job well done. So imagine my surprise today when I went back to read my New Year Wishes for 2013 and realized that I had made all 5 wishes come true ...

Hello. Amazing! I can't think of a better way to start 2014.

I definitely took a step back last year and spent lots of time looking within myself. There were lots of changes and learning experiences for both me and Dylan. However, one thing that remained the same was our passion for creating awareness about endangered species and doing all we could to make a difference.

Here are my New Year Wishes for 2014 ...

  1. Start drawing again. In high school I loved to sketch and paint. This will be the year I rekindle that creative side I once loved so much.
  2. Teach more kids about endangered animals and conservation by expanding Dylan's Animal Adventure Camp into more than just a summer camp. 
  3. Make time to write about what inspires me. I have a folder filled with notes and ideas for posts, but never found the time to actually write them. 
  4. Stay current on my photography and share more of my images. No more falling a year behind on editing and posting pictures. 
  5. Continue to read more, explore more, and keep learning more. 

Yes, I know that #5 is a repeat from last year, but it is just such a good wish to have. 

Dylan and I were very blessed with some unforgettable experiences and wonderful supporters of his fundraising projects last year. We are both excited to see what the new year has in store for us and what new doors may open leading us to new adventures. 

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