
Friday, February 20, 2015

A new beginning

Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls. Just when I thought I knew where I was going, someone else had other plans. The signs were coming at me from all directions and it was time for me to start listening to them. Time for me to pick up where I left off ...

I have never been one to - how should I say this - bite my tongue. I speak my mind and I stand up for what I believe in. Sometimes people don't agree with me, but that's ok. I do not have to walk in their shoes and they do not have to walk in mine.

I believe strongly in speaking up when you feel that something is not right ... when something goes against your morals and personal ethics. I have taught these values to my son and I am proud of him for taking a stand in his beliefs at such a young age.

It has been three long months since I have written here. I can't even begin to count how many times I thought about writing or sat here staring at a blank computer screen ... pondering the idea of writing again.

I need to write.
I need to speak my mind and stand up for what I believe in.

I will choose my words carefully and I will write from the heart.

I will write about issues that I believe in - about causes that need to be heard.

Sometimes we all need a little break. The short time away from this blog opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at life. I thoroughly enjoy sharing my photographs to tell stories on my other website, Michelle Fryer Photography. However, my passion for conservation and creating awareness about endangered species is too strong to completely walk away. I was recently put in a position that reminded me how important it was to stick to my beliefs.

So here I am.
Writing again.

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